trapped flies
an audio-kinetic installation
year 2013
category Kinetic & Interactive Installations
commissioned by
Austrian cultural forum Rome

variety of glasses from Lobmeyr with artificial flies
If you trap a fly in a glass, it will try to escape and fly against the glass wall. By doing so it emits the sound of the glass itself. Each glass, depending on its shape and thickness, will give a specific tone in a certain volume. The installation consists of 52 different glasses, each with an artificial fly connected to a motor. Together they are programmed to create a swarm-like behaviour and soundscape. The ‘flies’ are connected to the motor via a thin string, which gives them the freedom to ‘fly’ and hit the glass randomly and lifelike. A little concert by 52 flies.

the sound of the swarm

overview of the project
'It is a surreal simulation that explores the boundaries between natural and artificial sounds and between movement and stillness.'
Domitilla Dardi

sketch of the model

detail view

flies during the preparation

electronical detail
52 glasses, 52 DC-motors with attached plastic flies, wooden shelf, custom electronics
160×40×210 cm
Michael Zeltner
curated by
Domitilla Dardi and Elisabetta Pisu
initiated by
IMF on the occasion of the DOS exhibition in the Auditorium Rome
Katharina Mischer, Thomas Traxler, Isaac Monté
special thanks to
Lobmeyer, for the beautiful glasses