perspective boxes
a project that plays with one's visual perception
year 2017
category Products & Furniture
commissioned by

perpective boxes, 2017
The project perspective boxes brings two-dimensional perspective drawings of cubes, into the three-dimensional world in the form of storage boxes. Seen from the right point of view and with light from the left, the perspective boxes appear geometrically perfect and nearly like a drawing on cardboard. However, as soon as they are turned or the observer approaches them, one understands that most of the angles are not 90 degrees and the object is slanted. The perfect geometry is just an optical illusion. The three different shades of colour on the faces of the boxes enable and intensify this effect. Since the boxes are angled the smaller storage containers can be opened by pushing the highest or lowest corner of the lid. While the smaller boxes offer storage space for jewellery, toys or smaller desktop items, the lager box can be used as a little side-table, stool and offers a drawer to store larger things.
The perfect geometry is just an optical illusion.

when looking at the boxes from another perspective, one realises quickly that they are not right-angled

the smaller boxes can store desktop items, small toys and similar things

the lager box can be used as a little side-table, stool and offers a drawer to store larger things

the drawer can be opened with a push-latch system

technical visualisation of a perspective boxes cube. While the vertical lines are all parallel, the horizontal lines are not. The edges are mitred so that the lid slides in perfectly. Three shades of the same colour underline the visual effect.

the lid can be opened by pushing the highest or lowest corner gently

small cardboard models in various colours and showing that the concept works in different sizes

some of the first grey cardboard models during the development
small boxes: birch plywood, paint
big box with drawer: birch plywood, paint, hinges
small blue box: 26 x 26 x 26 cm
small yellow box: 40 x 23 x 15 cm
small red box: 24 x 17 x 18,5 cm
big red box: 45 x 45 x 45 cm
Katharina Mischer, Thomas Traxler, first test phase (2015): Anouk Buntsma realisation (2017): Benedikt Steiner, Elisa Polner