LeveL II
a delicate light mobile that is
sensitive to movement
year 2016
categories Limited Editions
Products & Furniture

image by jeroen verrecht
LeveL II is a further development of the ‘LeveL – the fragile balance of Utopia’ -installation.
The light mobile consists out of several interconnected rods, that can hang like a mobile or a chandelier in a space. Each end of the rods carries a delicate illuminated lampshade. If left by itself, the structure finds its perfect equilibrium and each end of the rods lights up to the brightest level so that the piece illuminates the room. Once somebody comes close, touches the piece, or even with a breeze of air, the installation starts tilting. Depending on the tilt of the rods, the light lowers so that it is just dimmed.
Every movement occurring in the space – whether introduced by visitors or unpredictable elements – transforms the light object’s shape and brilliance. The light mobile can be switched from sensitive mode into chandelier mode, in which the piece shines continuously to illuminate a space. The intensity of the light can be dimmed in four steps with a remote control.
The piece is available in various sizes and custom made pieces can be adapted to fit various spaces.
main image by Jeroen Verrecht
video documentation of a LeveL II mobile
first it is exposed to movement and then it slowly equilibrates again

LeveL II installation, seven rods, image by jeroen verrecht

LeveL II installation, fourteen rods, image by jeroen verrecht

LeveL II mobile, version with 14 rods

detail of a LeveL II light shade. Each piece is handmade from Japanese screen paper

LeveL II mobile, version with seven rods.
carbon fibre rods, copper, metal, POM, cable, Japanese screen paper, electric components, custom made circuit boards
7 rods: approx. 200 x 175 x 80 cm
14 rods: approx. 200 x 220 x 120 cm
21 rods: approx. 320 x 220 x 140 cm
the pieces can be slightly adapted and various configurations are possible.
electrotechnical development
Simon Laburda (DKIA)
Katharina Mischer, Thomas Traxler, Maria Bauhofer, Elisa Polner