  • 15.3.2024 – 13.10.2024
    new project , exhibition

    "Water Pressure - Designing for the future" an exhibition of the MK&G Hamburg and Jane Withers Studio – looks at the water crisis from a global perspective. We were commissioned to come up with an installation celebrating water. The result "vital rain" is part of the exhibition and will stay permanently in the museums yard.
    more soon

    MKG Hamburg - Water Pressure

  • april 2024
    new project

    For the glassware company Lobmeyr we designed "ident" - drinking set No.287

    Identical shape, identical height - five individual glasses.
    The series was unveilded during Milan Design Week.


  • april 2024 - ongoing
    factory tour

    We designed the factory tour for Laufen in Gmunden with a lot of details and small installations to guide and inform local and international guests.

    Laufen Gmunden

  • 5.4.2024 - 14.7.2024

    "inWastement" glass series is on show at the Klimabiennale in Vienna at the "design with a purpose" exhibition.

    Klimabiennale Wien

  • 15.9.2023 - 21.7.2024

    HEIMATEN. An exhibition and survey and an attempt to break with conventional takes on Heimat. the exhibition was shown at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (MK&G) in 2022. Our specially commissioned piece 'riparian cloud' is now also on show in Molfsee.

    Freilichtmuseum Molfsee

  • 01.06.2024 - 30.03.2025
    exhibition, adapted project

    A utopian insect swarm based on our 'curiosity cloud' developed with 13 children from Dresden swirls during the Kinderbiennale in the Japanische Palais. The participatory process resulted in 24 fantastic, colourful insects.

    Children's Biennale "Planet Utopia"

  • 30.05 2024 - 13.10.2024
    new project , exhibition

    All in! Re-Designing Democracy - Every aspect of democracy has been designed, therefore it can be designed differently. A new "Themis" claims in the exhibition for rights for Nature.


  • 10.05. 2024 - 23.06.2024

    20th anniversary international exhibition and series of events. Our glass project "access" is part of the exhibition.

    design without borders

knowledge – tools – memory

objects that relate to their origin

  • year 2013 / 2014

  • category artistic research

  • commissioned by


The project knowledge-tools-memory deals about the making and the reproduction of objects and that the passing on basic knowledge of how things are made should not be neglected. Even simple objects of daily use like a sheet of paper or a blanket are closely interlinked with the resources they are made out of and a series of production steps to turn this material into the object. If the general knowledge and understanding of how to produce objects fades, does this change our relationship to them? Each object in the ‘knowledge-tools-memory’ series, serves its function as a usable object, whilst also briefly showing how it can be reproduced from scratch. Included in the design are the tools which enable anyone to produce a replication of the object, using simple methods and materials. With the tools and manuals being such an integral part of the design, the aesthetic of each object treads the line between function and decoration, whilst leaving space for private memories to be added. Nowadays, when technology, printers, machines … take over production in many clever and genius ways, we should on the one hand appreciate how much work is made by these machines for us and enjoy the possibilities, but on the other hand we should not completely forget what our hands can do and how this knowledge should not be lost, but can be embedded in objects. ‘knowledge-tools-memory’ started with first tests and a glimpse of the concept for the exhibition ‘another terra’ by INResidence in 2012 and was continued on the occasion of the ‘Nomadic furniture’ exhibition at the MAK in 2013. So far the collection of objects consists of a sketchbook and a woollen blanket. 

If the general knowledge and understanding of how to produce objects fades, does this change our relationship to them?

ein Bauernhof (a Farm) by Johan Ernst Morgenstern / 1794

knowledge – tools – memory / blanket

the blanket and all tools stored in one bag

blanket completely folded and stored in the tool bag

using the blanket

detail of the stitched graphics

traditional tools for making wool

detail of the tool-bag

Each object in the ‚knowledge-tools-memory‘ series, serves its function as a usable object, whilst also briefly showing how it can be reproduced from scratch.

knowledge – tools – memory / sketchbook

sketchbook completly closed

sketchbook with necessary tools for making paper and some sheets of paper made with the tools

detail of the manual

testing different recipies to make paper